1If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, 2make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. 5Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,
6 who, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
7 but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
8 he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death —
even death on a cross.
6 who, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
7 but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
8 he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death —
even death on a cross.
9 Therefore God also highly exalted him
and gave him the name
that is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
and gave him the name
that is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
A man asked a rabbi why God would reveal himself to many people in the time of the Bible, but today nobody ever sees God.
The rabbi thought for a moment before answering. “Because,”
she said, “Today nobody bows low enough to see God.”
This reading from Philippians is one of the earliest
hymns written about Jesus. It’s sometimes called the Kenosis Hymn from the
Greek word meaning “he emptied.” This is a song about how
much God loves us and the depths that God will go to in order to be with us.
Jesus is the embodiment of God’s reign. He's our example of how to be. He constantly calls us to repent or
turn and see the Kingdom of heaven. When we glimpse it, the Kingdom doesn’t look like we expect. Jesus’
teaching and life both show us the way to have
abundant life, the way to the kingdom. It all has to do with our relationship
with God and with each other. It’s all about how we handle power.
We are all power brokers in our relationships. How many of
us have heard or said that line:

You’re not the boss of me!
We like to be the ones with the power. We like to be the ones in control
When we get married, we negotiate who will take charge of
what. Who pays the bills? Who keeps the family calendar? Who gives the kids
permission for what? In our old age, we want the power to say how long we can
live in our homes. We tell the doctors and hospitals how much care we want in
our living wills. We take on power and we give up power all the time in our
lives. Sometimes willingly. Sometimes unwillingly.
Paul is telling us that how we use our power is key to
living a life of faith. We can overpower people so that we get to be the ones
to set the agenda. We do this with our kids all the time. We tell them to go here
and do this. When they don’t comply they go to time out. My oldest daughter
wasn’t very good at time out. She’d refuse to go to the time out chair. So I’d
have to over power her and sit there with my arms wrapped around her squirming
preschool body while she writhed in fury. Trust me, I was determined to show her who was more powerful. It ended with a ludicrous power play on both of our parts.
When we overpower someone, we use our power to force them
into something that they don’t want to do because we want it--sometimes this is a good thing to keep someone safe. But sometimes
when this happens we are acting from what Paul calls selfish ambition and
conceit. We think that we know better and our interests are more important than
other people’s.
But, Paul says overpowering others is the opposite of living
a life in Christ. Instead he writes that we should: do nothing
from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than
yourselves. He says, Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the
interests of others.
I saw
this demonstrated when I went to Scotland over the summer. As many of you know
the church
in Europe has been laid low. Membership decline started there decades before it started here. The church that was once synonymous with stability, education and empire has been humbled. The church that was once a symbol of power has been emptied. As we drove around the countryside, small stone churches dotted the hills, wee kirks, they were called. But most of them were no longer churches, they were houses that you could rent for a holiday—a long weekend or a vacation.
I am peeking into the windows trying to decide if this is a church or a house! It was a house. |
in Europe has been laid low. Membership decline started there decades before it started here. The church that was once synonymous with stability, education and empire has been humbled. The church that was once a symbol of power has been emptied. As we drove around the countryside, small stone churches dotted the hills, wee kirks, they were called. But most of them were no longer churches, they were houses that you could rent for a holiday—a long weekend or a vacation.
But there are still churches that hold service and serve the community.
My family
and I attended a lovely worship service in the coastal town of Tobermory. We
walked into the Church of Scotland and found what we find here in the United States-- a
congregation of older people who were gathered in love and humility to worship
God. People who remembered their glory days and wished they were bigger, more
vibrant, more influential.
pastor , Rev. Johnny Paton, reminded us that even though the Church may not be the political or
cultural center that it once was in the western world, the heart of Christ is
still in our churches. Our churches are places of spirit, sanctuary and
significance. They are testament that there is more to this world than meets
they eye. Our churches, full or not, point to a different reality. One where
humbleness and emptiness are holy. Despite the changes, churches are still places spirit, sanctuary and significance.
are also a sanctuary when life is painful. Our media culture creates fear and
longing, ads tell us we aren’t rich enough or popular enough or beautiful
enough. But walk into a church and you will hear that you are enough. I pray that you walk out of a church with "Jesus
loves me this I know" in your head. We live by a gospel of hope and this is a
place where we can feel loved and valued in the best and worst of times. The
church is a place where we matter—to God and to each other. Churches are a
sanctuary from the suffering, despair and hopelessness that we sometimes face
in our lives.
whether there are three people in the pews or three hundred, our churches are
places of significance. Strangers walk in because they know that the church
feeds their spirit. Christ’s church still plays a role in many of life’s
greatest moments – birth, marriage and death. Churches are witnesses to the
mysteries of creation, they are the place where we reflect upon ourselves and face death.
Christ’s church is a standing testament to fragility, resiliency of life and the eternity of God.
I talked with Rev. Paton one
evening at a ceilidh (a church social with what seemed like square dancing). He explained to me that the Church of Scotland has
parishes. He saw himself as the pastor of everyone in the parish. "Not everyone
in the church," he said, raising his eyebrows just a bit. "I’m the pastor for
everyone here who is not a member of another church."
And so here we sit, across
the ocean, but in a position that is not all that different. We are in a Church
that cannot exploit the political and cultural power we once had. We have pews that
have been emptied. We have been humbled, some churches to the point of death.
We are similar to that church in Scotland. We are also similar to the the church in Philippi. Paul wasn’t writing this letter from a pulpit in a lofty cathedral,
but from jail. It may be that Paul was feeling like we sometimes do, empty and
powerless.. He was writing to a group of Christians no bigger than this one.
Paul was laid low.
maybe that’s where we have to be in order to really see God. Maybe we have to
bow low enough to see the empty, humble and obedient Christ. Maybe in some weird, mysterious way this is when
we can truly see how resurrection works.
The hymn
ends with Christ’s exultation, with images of knees bending and tongues
From the top down view, God in Christ overpowers all other evil in the world and triumphs. Knees bend and people confess because we the church dominate. We Christians have a long history of trying this approach using tactics of fear and intimidation.
We can look at this from the top down or from the bottom up.
From the top down view, God in Christ overpowers all other evil in the world and triumphs. Knees bend and people confess because we the church dominate. We Christians have a long history of trying this approach using tactics of fear and intimidation.
But the
other way to look at it is from the bottom up. The reign of Christ doesn’t come
by overpowering others but by imitating Christ in his life and in his
ministry. By being a humble and obedient church with and for the people around us. And this is what Paul is telling
us in this hymn and with his life.
shows us that Jesus is a study in opposites. Jesus was a servant-leader. He
dies so that we live. He’s human and divine. We triumph when we regard others
as better than ourselves. We are most powerful when we are humble. We fall to
our knees in gratitude, not out of fear, and are lifted up. We confess that Jesus is Lord even
though he didn’t use his power to rule or dominate, even though his kingdom is
not of this world
This is
Paul’s story, the lesson he learned in his life. He was educated, successful
and powerful. He was full of righteous indignation and was using his power to
keep the faith pure—to kill those Jews who were following The Way of Jesus. He
thought he could overpower the growing church. But he couldn’t. Paul
encountered the risen Christ and everything changed. Paul suddenly understood
what God wanted of him. He understood
that confessing Jesus is Lord means rethinking what it means to be powerful in
the world. He came to a new understanding of what it means to serve God.
Jesus Way of living is our call in our churches today as well. We no longer are
dominant and powerful in the way of the world. But this is not reason for despair. We are the body of
Christ described in this hymn. We are emptied. We are low, but maybe that’s
where we need to be in order to really understand Christ and serve God in the
world. Maybe that's where we need to be to understand true power.
So we go
forth with fear and trembling. It's not an easy place to be. The angels and prophets knew this. Their first words were always: Do not fear. God is with you. God is
at work in you, in your emptiness, in your service and in your humility. God is
with you enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. God came to you, to us, as a needy baby.
Christ emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death —
even death on a cross.
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death —
even death on a cross.
God in Christ went to these depths for you and for me. Can we bow low enough to see him?